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Chocolat artisanal


Energetic & Spiritual Benefits

The cacao tree is what Amazonian shamans call a Teaching Plant, that is a plant endowed with superior intelligence and the potential to teach and heal. Its energy is very subtle. Humility and depth are required to access the magical powers of its fruit.


The benefits that have emerged from our direct experience with the cocoa can be summarized as follows.

Primarily, cacao possesses the ability to facilitate the opening of our heart chakra ans the activation of its sacred geometry. It is a plant characterized by immense love and tenderness, gently softening our heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.


Cacao encourages introspective work, fostering a space for inner reflection and growth.


Secondly, cacao has the potential to facilitate contact with our deepest essence, our feelings, and the voice of our hearts. In this way, it helps us to rediscover and reconnect with our roots. 

Cacao's energy opens and expands the energy channels of our light body, helping us to work on our Heaven-Earth connection (our pillar of light). 

Divine inspiration, creativity, and imagination are stimulated. 

It is excellent to drink pure and natural, as part of rituals and to accompany exercise and physical and mental movement, such as in activities like yoga, dance, creative writing or painting. In fact, it also stimulates concentration and relaxation.


Finally, cacao is the medicine of the circle, of unity, co-creation and harmony. So it's perfect as a drink to share during group activities or any other gathering of people.

Properties & Benefits for our Physical & Mental Health

Cocoa beans are considered to be a SUPERFOOD rich in a variety of nutrients, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, fatty acids, and active compounds recognized as indispensable to the proper functioning of our bodies. Its high nutritional value provides numerous health benefits. 

Cacao is a SUPERFRUIT with stimulating, invigorating, replenishing, and nourishing effects.

Cacao is rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, trace elements such as iron, copper, selenium, and zinc, and vitamins A, B1, B9, C and E. The fat it contains is considered to be a vegetable fat that is beneficial to the health of our organism, helping in particular to keep the immune system working properly. 


Cacao naturel

Bélize, 2023

Chocolat artisanal

Panama, 2023

Cocoa contains a high concentration of organic molecules from the polyphenol family, including certain flavonoids. These are excellent antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing them from harming the body, and at the same time making the immune system more active (source here).

  • Cocoa delays cellular aging and prevents the early onset of certain diseases.

  • Cocoa regulates digestive problems thanks to the polyphenols it contains.

  • Cocoa helps lower cholesterol, the fatty substance found in cells, which comes in two different forms. HDL cholesterol, which is considered good, and LDL cholesterol, which is considered bad. The flavonols present in this superfruit raise good cholesterol levels and lower bad cholesterol (source).

  • Cocoa also has the virtue of increasing sensitivity to insulin (the hormone that regulates blood glucose/sugar levels). The flavonoids it contains improve the cells' insulin response, which means the body is better able to regulate, use, and dispose of sugars in the blood. This is very important because if sugars remain in the bloodstream for too long, they damage all kinds of tissues such as the eyes, brain, kidneys, and extremities. A study has shown that people whose glycemia (blood sugar level) was out of control, who ate a piece of dark chocolate (with a higher cacao content) every day for 15 days, had twice the insulin response (source here).

  • Cocoa has an anti-inflammatory action. Flavonoids are also known to promote the body's own anti-inflammatory action (source here).

  • Cocoa consumption also appears to modulate the intestinal microbiota, i.e. the community of microbes living in our intestines.

  • Cocoa also appears to contribute to smooth digestion, stimulating the liver, preventing constipation, combating diarrhea and ensuring good intestinal transit.

  • Studies also show that the flavonoids contained in cocoa offer certain neuro-protective benefits, suggesting that it could help the elderly maintain cognitive function.


Cacao commerce équitable

Cacao variété Forestero, Pérou

Magnesium plays a crucial role in many biological processes in the human body, such as regulating blood sugar levels, nerve function, and maintaining blood pressure.

A magnesium deficiency in particular leads to reduced energy and fatigue, and increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and many other age-related illnesses (source here).

That's why cacao is such a valuable food.


  • Cocoa helps to relax muscles and calm the nervous system, reducing internal tension and enabling a greater sense of detachment from everyday life.

  • Cocoa has a particularly soothing effect on stress, anxiety, overwork, fears, and depressive symptoms. It therefore improves depressive, psychotic, and anxiety states.

  • Cocoa provides stimulation in cases of fatigue and loss of energy. It gives the body vitality while stimulating various organ and metabolic functions. It is therefore also a very good companion for people who are ill or weakened, and for convalescence, loss of energy, and chronic fatigue.

  • Cocoa lowers blood pressure thanks to magnesium, which dilates and relaxes blood vessels (with the help of theobromine, another component of cacao).

  • Cocoa calms muscular cramps, including uterine cramps for women.


Cocoa is ideal for the growth, formation, and strengthening of bones, teeth, muscles, hair, and nails. As such, it acts not only as a powerful antioxidant but also as a powerful remineralizer.


Cacao pur bio

Peru, 2023

Together with magnesium, the theobromine contained in cacao contributes to the relaxation of blood vessel cells, causing them to dilate and increasing blood flow to various organs. In one study, pure cocoa reduced blood pressure far more than blood pressure medication (source here).

  • Cocoa helps to lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation and arterial elasticity.

  • As theobromine improves blood circulation, the brain receives a greater influx of blood (and therefore oxygen and glucose), which has a positive effect on brain function, particularly concentration and memory (source here).


Cacao naturel

Peru, 2023

According to some, cocoa contains enough phenylethylamine, a substance responsible for inducing the sensation of happiness, to be able to attribute to it the virtue of positively influencing our mood

As one of the only foods in the world to contain phenylethylamine, cocoa is also said to produce endorphins and other hormones associated with pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure and romance. It can also be considered an aphrodisiac.

Finally, thanks to its influence on endorphin and serotonin levels, cocoa can counteract the drop in serotonin, helping to restore hormonal balance during premenstrual syndrome.


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